At this time, South Orange’s obligation is 163 affordable units and Maplewood’s is 216. Final numbers and adoption will come in June.
DevelopmentHistoric PreservationMaplewood
Work Stopped on 21 Highland Place as Maplewood Officials Investigate Demolition
The demolition comes after the Township Committee passed an ordinance last June changing the process by which demolition permits are reviewed and approved, in an effort to limit tear-downs of residential properties that might have historical value.
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CommunityDevelopmentSouth Orange
2 Years After Ceremonial Groundbreaking, South Orange Commons 100% Affordable Housing Ready for Construction
JESPY House is one of the partners in the project, and 16 units will go to adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
CommunityDevelopmentGovernmentSouth Orange
South Orange Enters Into 98-Year Lease for Community Center at Founders Park
South Orange Village and designated groups will soon be able to use the Community Center on Valley and show movies on the exterior wall facing the Founders Park.
CommunityDevelopmentSouth Orange
South Orange Planning Board Votes Yes on JESPY Center — With 16 Conditions
The Board voted in the affirmative but also raised alarms about usage in putting conditions on the approval. ‘This building Is geared for growth,” said Board member Michael Miller.
DevelopmentMaplewoodSouth Orange
Maplewood Mayor Nancy Adams: ‘Our Commitment to Affordable Housing Is Unwavering’
Numbers released by the state in October require the township to build 216 affordable housing units in the next 10 years.
“We’ll be reaching out to the prospective owners of the movie theater property to talk with them about what they’re thinking of doing there and how that fits with our redevelopment plan that’s in process.” — Mayor Nancy Adams
Maplewood to Negotiate With Ingerman for 40-Unit Affordable Housing Development
The major unanswered question — Where will the 40 units go?
Arts & CultureDevelopmentGovernmentMaplewood
Watching Backyard ‘Beetlejuice’ — And (Hopefully) Saving Maplewood’s Movie Theater
Advocates for keeping the theater a theater are encouraging supporters to attend a township redevelopment plan meeting at 7 p.m. on Sept. 24 at The Woodland.