May 13: South Orange Reports 91 Positive COVID-19 Residents

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As of 4:00 p.m. today, 334 South Orange residents have received access to COVID-19 testing and of that number, 91 tests have returned positive and 243 have returned negative. To date, four members of our community have passed away due to complications from COVID-19. Please continue to keep their families in your prayers.


State Update

  • Governor Murphy signed an Executive Order extending the Public Health Emergency in New Jersey for an additional 30 days. Stay-at-home order’s remain in effect.
  • Schools will remain closed through the end of the academic year.
  • Earlier today, as part of New Jersey’s Road Back, the Governor signed Executive Order No. 142, permitting the resumption of non-essential construction, curbside pickup at non-essential retail businesses, and car gatherings for the purpose of drive-through and drive-in events. The construction and non-essential retail provisions will take effect at 6:00 a.m. on Monday, May 18, while the car gatherings provision will take effect immediately.

Essex County Updates

Local Reminders

  • The South Orange municipal budget has been introduced and can be found here.
  • The grace period for 2nd quarter taxes has been extended to June 1
  • The public works yard and recycling center remains closed.  A June 27th Container Day will occur for residents by appointment only. More information can be found here.
  • South Orange parks have remained open for passive and no-contact recreation such as walking, jogging, or doing some exercise by yourself or with your family. Please note that our police department is regularly monitoring our parks, and any appearance of a gathering or overcrowding due to high demand will be dispersed. Playgrounds, tennis courts, basketball courts, and fields remain closed.
  • You must properly dispose of your gloves/masks in the trash, not our streets. Do not flush “disposable wipes.”

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