Columbia HS Guildscript Art & Literary Magazine Wins Award

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The following is from Cindy Malhotra:

The Columbia High School art and literary magazine, Guildscript, received a First Place award from the American Scholastic Press Association for Top-Scoring Magazine for 2016! The annual magazine received high marks in creativity, organization, and presentation.  The Association stated that the Guildscript exhibited “superior efforts of talented and creative editors, writers, artists, photographers, layout/graphic designers, staff members and advisors!”

The 2016 Guildscript Advisors, Ms. Lubrano and Ms. Malhotra, are thrilled that the magazine was so well received and attribute the magazine’s success to the dedication and hard work of all the editors, writers and artists involved.

Editor In Chief: Abigail Merelman

Managing Editor: Hannah Ratner

Writer’s Group Leaders: Eleanor Engelhard, Talia Bar Yaacov, Rosie Patton

Art Editor: Jacob Paul

Photo Editor: Jared Kofsky

Design Editor: Alex Rafkin

Advisors 2016: Ms. LauraLee Lubrano (English Dept.), Ms. Cindy Malhotra (Fine Arts)


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