Letter to Editor: Pai, Eastman, Freedson for the Board of Ed — The Choice Is Clear

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I’m writing to show my strong support for Madhu Pai, Wayne Eastman, and Peggy Freedson for the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education.

Every student deserves to have high expectations and to have learning structures in place that support his or her needs. Madhu, Wayne and Peggy not only believe in our students, they have experience and expertise to ensure this value is met.

Under the leadership of Madhu and Wayne, our district is on the cusp of something great — ensuring that each child’s personal academic goals and aspirations are met through CHOICE. We need Board of Education members who can guarantee that the open access policies are implemented in a way to meet this promise. Madhu and Wayne have been at the forefront of increasing choice in our district. Peggy Freedson brings a unique perspective as a former teacher herself and as a teacher of teachers in the university setting.

Choice doesn’t just mean open access to higher-level classes; it’s a comprehensive model for K-12 education. It means empowering students and families to determine what is the best educational model for their students. It means empowering students and families to explore passions and go deeper by choosing a curriculum and pedagogical method that meets the needs of their learner so that they are able to succeed in higher lever classes at Columbia High School and in college. Wayne, Madhu, and Peggy understand this and have put forward a platform that promotes the building of skills, content, and academic personal behaviors a student must possess to be successful in higher level classes and be college-ready.

As a veteran educator – teacher and school leader, I know firsthand that it’s not about new and novel ideas it’s about electing members to the Board of Education who can be effective in the role while always having the best interests of our students at heart.

Votes for Madhu Pai, Wayne Eastman and Peggy Freedson are more than just votes for three highly intelligent, committed people; they are votes to empower our teachers, students, parents and the community.


Dr. Megan R. Adams, Parent, Educator, South Orange-Maplewood Resident

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