Former Maplewood Mayor Fred Profeta to the Board: “We want to make sure that the solution fits the problem. We don’t want to over regulate, we don’t want to under regulate. We like to get it just right to the extent possible.”
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
BOE President Plans More Training, More ‘Proactive’ Approach to Board Governance
“Part of that will be how do we monitor progress in the school district? Because I think that’s one of the major areas that where I think our board can see improvement.” — BOE President Dr. Qawi Telesford
MaplewoodOpinionSchools / KidsSouth Orange
‘You Must Do Better’: An Open Letter from 73 CHS Students to the BOE and Administration
“We understand that some of these items are not specifically your fault, but we ask you to recognize that they stem from problems you have created or refuse to fix,” says Class of ’24 Salutatorian Ben Gevirtz.
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
CHS Student Reps Praise Interim Principal Pedro’s ‘Enthusiasm’, ‘Hands-On Leadership’
Student rep Asa Glassman said when asked what could be improved at CHS, Pedro noted “the importance of a culture of excellence that Columbia seems to be lacking” and that little things like holes in the walls, dilapidated ceilings and messy posters around the school “contribute to the slow erosion of a climate of success at a school like ours.”
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
Dr. Gilbert Goes to Trenton: SOMSD Acting Supt. Asks State for Additional $4.2M to Close Deficit
“…at this point, we are well beyond trimming fat from our budget. We are cutting into bone,” said Gilbert.
Meanwhile, at Monday’s BOSE meeting, Business Admin. Eric Burnside defended himself and his office against accusations of mismanaging funds. -
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
What Is South Orange-Maplewood Seeking in a New Superintendent? Find Out
Search firm rep said that while managing SOMSD will not be an easy job — “It’s not Scarsdale” — a candidate with “fire in the belly” and the right skill set will see great rewards.
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
SOMSD to Host In-Person Community Forum on Superintendent Search Feb. 19
BOE President Telesford: “The Board recognizes that the 100-person limit on Zoom during Monday’s forum fell short of expectations. While HYA reports that no one was denied access during the actual forum, we acknowledge that the limit itself could have prevented participation for some. The Board sincerely apologizes for any inconvenience or frustration this caused.”
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
SOMSD Acting Supt. Committed to Ensuring Bias Acts Are Swiftly Addressed: ‘The Expectation is Clear’
Gilbert: “If there’s one student or one educator that does not feel like they are welcome in this district, we have a lot of work to do.”
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth OrangeTowns
BOE Elects Telesford as President & Vadlamani as 1st VP; 3 New Members Sworn In
“I see a board eager to collaborate, find common ground, and work together for the benefit of our students. As your president, I’ll actively cultivate this spirit of cooperation.” — BOE President Dr. Qawi Telesford
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
Wittleder Nears End of Her Term as BOE President with ‘Heartfelt Thanks’
“Being Board President is not a one-person job, and it definitely doesn’t come with a playbook, so the support of the Executive Members and my other six Board colleagues this year has meant more to me than you know.”