If you observe coyotes in the daytime that show no fear of humans or if a coyote attacks a person, contact local police and NJ Fish and Wildlife at 908-735-8793; outside of normal business hours call the DEP Hotline at 877-WARN-DEP.
Mayor Dean Dafis
Mayor Dafis: Maplewood Master Plan Implementation Process Gets Underway
“Historic preservation is a hot topic, but so are parks/fields/open spaces, stormwater resiliency, housing affordability — the number one issue I get emails about most frequently — economic development. These are likely our implementation priorities.”
The 5 elected leaders will be voting under the guidance of revised by-laws that allow for a mayor to serve up to 3 consecutive years.
To aid its rising homeless population, Maplewood is considering hiring outside help.
The new biz is the brainchild of Brian Stolar, owner of Pinnacle Companies & the Wellmont Theatre in Montclair
The plan addresses zoning and development that is sensitive to the scale of residential neighborhoods, preserving historic structures, stronger protection against demolitions, providing affordable housing and preparing the town for the future regarding climate change.
Arts & CultureCommunityGovernmentMaplewoodSchools / Kids
Camp Kindness Day Brings Smiles to Maplewood Campers
From the Maplewood Department of Community Services: The Maplewood Department of Community Services staff…
In the updated amendment, text messages formerly attributed to Mayor Dafis or TC member DeLuca are now being attributed to TC member Nancy Adams.
Officials say that staffing vacancies not filled in 2022 contributed to the lateness of the township’s Annual Financial Statement, which must be submitted before the state can review the budget.
GovernmentMaplewoodSouth Orange
Maplewood Mayor & TC Members Enter Into Mediation in ‘Whistleblower’ Suit
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