The proclamation followed the raising of a Women’s History Month flag outside Maplewood Town Hall, where the TC meeting was held in person for the first time in three years. It is the first time such a flag has been raised in Maplewood, said TC member Nancy Adams.
Regina Eckert
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‘This Was a Change Election’ — What the South Orange-Maplewood BOE Election Sweep Means
Want to know what is happening in your community? WE MAKE IT EASY! Try…
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ElectionMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
5 Candidates, 4 Questions: Village Green Asks the 2022 Board of Ed Candidates
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ElectionMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
Everything You Need to Know to Vote: 2022 South Orange-Maplewood Board of Ed Election
Want to know what is happening in your community? WE MAKE IT EASY! Try…
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LETTER: Eckert, Wilson & Gifford Will Listen to All Voices
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