Meanwhile, qualifying families can apply for two new low-income units by August 31.
Victor De Luca
“This is the time to do this,” said Maplewood Township Committeeperson Dean Dafis. The TC is aiming for a November 2025 local ballot referendum while putting pressure on state legislators to pass an RCV bill.
Maplewood Moves Forward With Hybrid Solution for Dangerous Storm Drainage on Maple Terrace
“Storm water management is a major challenge and a growing one with climate change,” said Committeeperson Vic De Luca. Next, the township will look at the East Branch of the Rahway, Lightning Brook, Crooked Brook, and others.
After a resident was swept into the storm drain and killed during Tropical Storm Ida in 2021, the town implemented short-term improvements; the July 30 meeting is part of a multi-year effort seeking a permanent solution.
The long-time U.S. Senator from New Jersey was convicted on all 16 counts he faced in a federal trial.
“We see HomeSharing as a way to help our seniors age in place and not have to leave Maplewood because housing costs are too high and maintaining a home is too difficult.”
Gov. Murphy Signs New Open Public Records Bill, Preempting Maplewood Discussion of Veto Request
After Gov. Phil Murphy signed a new Open Public Records Act [OPRA] Modernization bill…
DeLuca: Diverse & inclusive Team of Adams & Cripe Are Best Choices for Township Committee
Three candidates are running for two Maplewood Township Committee seats in 2024: incumbents Nancy Adams…
The Maplewood Township Committee celebrated National Emergency Medical Services Week at its meeting on…
After 30 Years as a Maplewood Neighbor, Nancy Adams Becomes 2nd Woman to Serve as Mayor
by Donny Levitby Donny LevitSince moving here in 1989, Adams has played pivotal roles as an environmental activist, a champion of economic redevelopment, and even named one of Maplewood’s best-known neighborhoods.