Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return Caretaker Training at Maplewood Town Hall on Jan. 22

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Residents interested in participating in the new Trap/Neuter/Vaccinate/Return program approved by the Maplewood Township Committee last fall, can receive training at a meeting on Thursday, January 22, at 7 p.m. at Maplewood Town Hall.

Furry Hearts Rescue, which has implemented the program on behalf of the Township, is seeking responsible caretakers to help manage Maplewood’s free-roaming cat colonies. In return, Furry Hearts will help residents trap, neuter/spay and vaccinate cats within the identified colony, implement and maintain a daily feeding schedule, and set up and maintain proper housing.

The Feral Cat Caretaker training by Furry Hearts Rescue will train residents in the operating procedures needed to follow Maplewood Township ordinance, have a healthy feral cat colony and reduce nuisance to neighbors.

For more information, contact

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