South Orange Turning Blue for Seton Hall Pirates

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Village President Sheena Collum showing her SHU Pirate Pride at the Board of Trustees meeting March 14, 2016.

Village President Sheena Collum showing her SHU Pirate Pride at the Board of Trustees meeting March 14, 2016.


Seton Hall University is making big news around the country and South Orange is basking in the reflected glow of its hometown team’s glory.

First, the Seton Hall Men’s Basketball team beat Villanova 69-67 under the lights at Madison Square Garden on Saturday to take the Big East Championship. (Read ESPN’s story here.)

Next, the men’s team found out that they would face Gonzaga on Thursday, March 17, in Denver in the NCAA tournament.

And then, the Lady Pirates discovered they would meet Duquesne on Saturday, March 19, in Connecticut for the Women’s NCAA Basketball Tournament.

Merchants around South Orange will be displaying these signs — among others.

Merchants around South Orange will be displaying these signs — among others.

Yes, March Madness has sent the residents of South Orange into a fever, starting with No. 1 SHU booster, Village President and alum Sheena Collum.

On Monday night, Collum was wearing her Seton Hall jersey at the Board of Trustees meeting. Meanwhile, the stage at the South Orange Performing Arts Center — where the meeting is held — was illuminated with the slogan “South Orange is #HALLIN Let’s Go Pirates!” (see photo below).

Collum announced that the town and the South Orange Village Center Alliance would be collaborating with Seton Hall on a pep rally “bringing national recognition to our South Orange Village.” Collum said residents should stay tuned for details and asked them to “support our local bars and restaurants and viewing places on Thursday and Saturday” as the men and women take to the courts.

Meanwhile, SOVCA Executive Director Bob Zuckerman said that merchants throughout town would be displaying signs and wearing “Seton Hall Blue.”

“We’re getting them Seton Hall t-shirts!” said an enthusiastic Zuckerman.

Just how blue can things get in South Orange?

Let’s see how far the Pirates can go.

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