Millburn Democrat Launches ‘Write-in’ Campaign for Township Committee

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Dianne Eglow

My name is Dianne Eglow and I am thrilled to announce my candidacy as the Democratic Party “WRITE-IN CANDIDATE” for the Millburn Township Committee.

Pervasive flooding issues throughout the Township, decaying infrastructure, safety issues on our streets and in our homes, and the lack of a community voice – These are the issues and concerns that will drive my candidacy for the Millburn Township Committee.

I moved to Millburn when I was 12 years old. I graduated Rider University with a BS in Marketing. Our children went through the Millburn school system, with our youngest graduating this June.

Many people ask: ”since your youngest is graduating, when will you guys be moving?” My answer is never. I love Millburn Township. You will see me and my family frequently walking into town for meals, errands, and brisk evening walks.

I have dedicated many hours and years to several volunteer efforts in support of activities throughout the Township.

I was strong voice seeking solutions for our neighborhood and Township on several important issues, including my position as block captain after hurricane Sandy. I was a leader in the “Stop the Dam” movement in the South Mountain Reservation. I want to continue to play an important role in preserving what is wonderful about Millburn Township.

Moreover, I have been an active member of the Millburn-Short Hills Volunteer First Aid Squad for 14 years. I was First Lt, and served on the Board of Trustees for multiple terms, including     the position of recording secretary. I am extremely proud to be a volunteer EMT in town. As an EMT I see firsthand how safety issues impact the quality of life in town. As such, I will seek to make our town safer, through the installation of better signage, protection at pedestrian crossings, and the use of bollards along sidewalk cafes. It is amazing how many cars continue to travel in the wrong direction, particularly at the corner of Essex and Main Streets.

Illegal pedestrian crossings are another important issue that must be addressed. Not all of the issues occur within the formalized intersection crossings. Illegal jay walking and mid stream pedestrian crossings occur on a regular basis creating multiple conflicts between cars and pedestrians.

I have always volunteered my time to the schools our children attended through the PTO, Strawberry Festival, library and lunch duty. Being part of the Caring Kids Puppeteers’ for 5 years was wonderful. We performed at our Township elementary schools and at St. Rose and Pingry, using puppets to represent children with various disabilities to teach awareness and acceptance.

As a certified Essex County court mediator, I have the experience and skill to see both sides of an issue, and to look for the best solution towards a workable agreement. This takes an open mind combined with patience and is a practical means to an end.

I look forward to hearing concerns and thoughtful solutions from our residents. Millburn is an incredible place to live, raise children and yes stay around. Please VOTE on JUNE 2nd and WRITE-IN my name as the Democratic Candidate for the Township Committee. If you require assistance or have questions please contact Millburn Democratic Chairwoman Annette Romano at 973-996-2541.

Thank you!!

Dianne Eglow


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