CHS Students Explore History Through Drama with Broadway’s ‘Amazing Grace’

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Amazing Grace Field Trip

On September 30, thirty-two students from Dr. Bustrin’s Drama as Literature and Performance and English 2 classes at Columbia High School along with three chaperones, travelled by train to New York City to see the musical Amazing Grace.

The show is a tale of romance, rebellion and redemption, following one man whose incredible journey ignited a historic wave of change that gave birth to the abolitionist movement.

Amazing GraceJohn Newton, a willful and musically talented young Englishman, faces a future as uncertain as the turning tide. Coming of age as Britain sits atop an international empire of slavery, he finds himself torn between following in the footsteps of his father—a slave trader—and embracing the more compassionate views of his childhood sweetheart.

In short, it is the history of the words and melody to the famous song, “Amazing Grace.”

Students were incredibly moved and surprised they had no idea of the history behind the song. Below are some comments from students.

Student comments from the field trip to see Amazing Grace.

“Going to the show, I wasn’t sure what to expect. Quite honestly, I wasn’t expecting much. However, from the moment the curtain opened, I was literally at the edge of my seat. The theatrical portrayal of the life of John Newton (who wrote the song “Amazing Grace”)was brilliant and well done. I was taken aback by the the first slave trading scene. A draped box was wheeled onstage with a European-looking man standing on it. In an instant, the drape was whipped-off the box revealing 15 African slaves being handled like caged animals. It was at that point my mouth dropped open wide and didn’t close for the rest of the show. By the end I was sobbing uncontrollably out of both sadness and happiness. Dr. Bustrin kept handing me tissues, and I cried the whole way to Penn Station. Any show that has the power to provide such an emotional impact is definitely special. It was an amazing day.”  — Jessie Gonon

The performance of Amazing Grace at the Nederlander Theatre was spectacular. It was the first time I had the opportunity to see a Broadway show. The play included a lot of African and British history (history is one of my favorite subjects), so I was very moved by the performance. The only downside, however, was that a pigeon pooped on my shirt on the way back to the train! All in all, it was a great experience, and a great feeling to be trusted by the staff members on the trip. — Fadjy St. Fleur Valentin

“Amazing Grace was nothing short of  AMAZING! The play combined history and song in a way that was educational, captivating, entertaining and inspirational! This field trip truly was an Amazing Grace.”   — Luke Davis

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