South Orange-Maplewood Adult School Requests Community Feedback

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From South Orange-Maplewood Adult School

The South Orange-Maplewood Adult School (SOMAS) has you in mind during this challenging time and we are diligently working with instructors to continue our mission and programming (virtually). We have partnered with Seton Hall University graduate marketing students on a survey to gain better awareness of adult and child programming needs. Your feedback is invaluable in helping the Adult School better serve the community.

The Adult School was founded in 1933 during the Great Depression as a way to bring people together and offer low-cost classes. As a nonprofit community program working to support educational enrichment needs, we again find ourselves at a crossroads with the current crisis and time of mandated social distancing and seek to find a way to bring people together.

In this changed world, we hope to look back and remember these early days and how we worked together and adapted. Please help us help you by completing this survey at the following link:

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