SOMSD: Grades 6 & 9 to Return for Hybrid In-Person Instruction on Monday, March 22

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Dear SOMSD Community,

Today, the Court heard the Board’s application for temporary restraints to require all SOMEA staff to report to District facilities for in-person instruction consistent with our Phase 3 reopening plan. While the Court denied the overall request finding that the extraordinary remedy of temporary restraints should not be ordered, the Hon. Jodi Alper entered an Order compelling SOMEA 6th and 9th-grade teachers to report for in-person instruction as early as Thursday, March 18, 2021, to rooms that assigned by the District that were previously identified as having passed SOMEA’s unique standards. It is notable that the District had made this offer to SOMEA several weeks ago, but it had been refused. We are thankful that the Court was willing to Order the return for our 6th and 9th-grade students and families.

The District will prepare for the resumption of in-person learning for our 6th and 9th graders, which will begin on Monday, March 22.  There will be follow-up correspondence as we make classroom assignments, transportation arrangements, and prepare for in-person learning. Additional communication will be sent to families and students that will be returning.

This is an important and critical step in the right direction as we resume in-person instruction. The legal significance of the Court’s Order is to ensure that our community is not faced with another work district-wide interference with the return of Phase 3 in-person learning. Another court date is scheduled for April 19. We will continue to work toward greater availability of in-person instruction over the coming weeks as we target April 19 for our next phase.

South Orange Maplewood School District

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