Woman Robbed by Bicyclist on Boyden Ave. in Maplewood

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A woman was robbed by a man on a bicycle who knocked her to the ground and stole her purse, said Maplewood police.

The woman was walking south on Boyden Avenue near Troy Court on Tuesday at approximately 4:30 p.m. when she was approached from behind by a bicyclist, said Sgt. Christopher Black. The man grabbed the bag out of the woman’s hand, knocking her to the ground. He then fled toward Irvington Avenue. The woman was not injured, said Black.

Here is the rest of this week’s police blotter:

January 20, 2015; Theft; Sometime over the past day the tires and rims were removed from a Jeep parked on Harvard Ave.

January 25, 2015; Theft from Auto; Sometime over the previous day an unlocked vehicle on Rutgers St and an unlocked vehicle on Van Ness Terr were entered and items removed.

January 25, 2015;Motor Vehicle Theft; Between 11 AM and 6 PM a Nissan was stolen from in front of a home on Berkley St.

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