From Maplewood Deputy Mayor Dean Dafis:
#pedestrianmall in Maplewood Village!
You asked for it, we made it happen at least for now, let’s see how it is received / ends up working. Temporary for now…
No more unsafe overcrowding on sidewalks where pedestrians and diners with and without face coverings are on top of each other, retail and other customers overtaken by outdoor diners eating or waiting in line to eat.
Starting [Jume 25th] evening (and every evening except Sundays) from 6 pm to 9:30 pm, pedestrians will have full access to Maplewood Avenue roadway from Village Coffee to Baker Street.
Spread out! Mask Up!
Inwood Place will remain open, and the back of Clarus vehicular traffic flow will remain open as well. Baker Street too.
Plenty of curbside pickup parking along Arturo’s / outside or near Words Bookstore & Sprout, along Baker Street, on Inwood Place, on Maplewood Avenue before Village Coffee. Parking lots remain open (except in places with parklets).
Township will be present (Code, Health, and Police Department) to enforce face coverings and ensure that all merchants (dining and retail) are following public health directives and executive order mandates they all attested to when they were granted permits to outdoor dining and retail.
Consumption of alcohol NOT permitted beyond enclosed parklet/outdoor dining footprints. Establishments that allow for this behavior will face possible revocation of their outdoor permit and ABC [liquor license]!
We want all of our businesses to thrive; we want all of our residents alive!