Towns turn to state and federal lawmakers to advocate for NJ Transit riders
‘Atrocious’ and ‘Unacceptable’: Maplewood Urges Officials to Address NJ Transit Woes
Deputy Mayor Cripe said she feared Maplewood would become a less desirable place to live if “Midtown Direct doesn’t ‘Midtown directly'” get commuters in and out of NYC.”
MaplewoodMillburnSouth OrangeTransportation
Andy Kim, Mikie Sherrill Promise Action in Resolving NJTransit Commuting Woes
However, commuters asked for immediate, tangible solutions: “Amtrak cannot replace these wires overnight. What I would like as a commuter is a real contingency plan.”
MaplewoodSouth OrangeTransportation
Fed Up With NJTransit Delays, South Orange to Host Commuters Forum June 26
With inconsistency becoming the only consistent thing about NJ Transit train service recently, South…
MaplewoodParks & RecreationSchools / KidsSouth OrangeTransportation
South Orange-Maplewood Board of Ed Approves Greenway Easement & Agreement
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Maplewood Township Committee Adds Its Voice to Those Protesting NJT Fare Hike
Alternatively, Maplewood officials ask Gov. Murphy and the NJ Legislature “to establish a dedicated tax to fund public transit, such as the restoration of the corporate business surcharge.”
MaplewoodSouth OrangeTransportation
A Commuter’s Lament: ‘Does the Person Who Runs NJT Ever Take NJT?’
“My 94-year-old mom could outrun this train.”
GovernmentMaplewoodPolice and FireTransportation
Lightning Brook Residents Ask Maplewood Committee to Limit Tractor-Trailer Access to Their Streets
by Lela Mooreby Lela MooreWant to know what is happening in your community? WE MAKE IT EASY! Try…
With Many NJT Trains Suspended, ‘Boxcar’ Buses Temporarily Available in Maplewood — at a Cost
Repair work on overhead wires has led to a miserable commute “until further notice”. Mayor says talks with NJT continue over “unreliable” service.
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth OrangeTransportation
‘Disgusting’ – Parent Blasts BOE Member Who Called Busing ‘A Success Story’
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