To the Editors:

Susie Adamson
We — all of us staff members at Seth Boyden — are writing in support of Susie Adamson, who is running for the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education.
Many of us have known Susie for a long time, not only as an involved parent, but also as an advocate for all children, including most especially when she served for two years as the President of our school’s PTA.
“One school, 100%” was Susie’s motto while serving as PTA president. Susie recognized that PTA participation was low, and sought out creative ways to find parents and bring them in. She was often on the school playground at dismissal talking to families, expressing how sincerely rewarding it was to help the school. Susie encouraged parents to take an active role in the PTA, creatively finding ways for all parents, no matter how busy their schedules, to volunteer. Susie impressed upon families that helping all of our children benefited each of our children; and that there were no dividing lines drawn in the sand.
Susie constantly worked with the Seth Boyden principal and teachers to make sure the PTA was doing everything necessary to support the school. Her vision also included making sure teachers felt valued. Susie worked hard to make sure that there was a more consistent and systematic partnership between teachers and parents — reminding everyone that the PTA is the association of parents AND teachers.
Susie’s involvement at Seth Boyden ignited advocacy on a larger scale as she saw existing inequities among the PTAs across the school district. She urged district leaders to consider pooling PTA funds for large expenses like technology devices, so that all elementary children would have similar opportunities. While this is only one example, there are many others in which Susie has been a champion, calling for fairness and unity among South Orange and Maplewood schools — “One district, 100%”.
Susie’s leadership, generosity and dedication are qualities that will undoubtedly continue to serve the community’s children well. Because of this strong belief, we the undersigned, are proud to support Susie Adamson’s election to the South Orange/Maplewood Board of Education. We hope you will join us.
Susan Brody |
Maureen Davenport |
Kelly Kiess |
Nancy Weinstein |
Catherine Cadorette |
Brian Edgerton |
Sheila Murphy |
Alexa Wilken |
Dianne Canzonieri |
Donna Friedrich |
Jennifer Rollin |
David Connerty |
Allison Garcia-Pedrosa |
Shayna Sackett-Gable Carol West |