The following is from the Millburn Schools:
Kindergarten Registration for the 2016-2017 school year will take place from January 11, 2016 to February 26, 2016 using the online registration system. Parents of students eligible to begin Kindergarten in September, 2016 will begin the registration process by entering the majority of their information online in the Registration Gateway system from home. They will schedule an in-person meeting at the Education Center with the registrar through online calendar at the end of the registration process. Registration will not be held at the elementary schools this year.
The registration portal will be open for Kindergarten Registration beginning on January 11. Please do not register for Kindergarten before that date.
Steps in the Kindergarten registration process:
1. Beginning on January 11, 2016, parents will be able to register incoming Kindergarteners through our Registration Gateway portal at
2. Parents will create a Registration Gateway account, and follow the steps to enter all requested information to pre-register their child. A checklist at the end of the process will alert you to any additional documents/information required to complete the registration.
· If you have registered a new student in 2015, you may already have a Registration Gateway account. You may log in with that account, and click on “Add Student” to register your kindergartener.
3. Parents will sign up for a registration appointment on the calendar provided at the end of the online registration process. All parents must meet with the registrar in person to provide their child’s original birth certificate, residency documents and immunization records. The process takes about 10 minutes for parents who have all of the forms and documentation prepared. Click here for registration instructions and required list of documents.
Millburn PreSchool Parents — Parents of students who are currently in the 4’s in the Millburn Preschool program must register for Kindergarten. Please complete the online process, but do not schedule a meeting with the registrar. You will receive information separately about specific dates for Millburn PreSchool parent meetings with the registrar.
Please NOTE:
· Reminder: children must be five years old on or before October 1, 2016 in order to register for Kindergarten – no exceptions.
· Parents who have other children currently attending a Millburn elementary school must complete the registration process for their incoming Kindergarten student at this time.
· Children do not need to accompany the parent for registration.
Parents without computer access, having technical difficulty or who have any questions about Kindergarten registration, please email the registrar Peter Lutchko at [email protected].
In the spring, Kindergarten 2016 parents and students will be invited to attend an orientation/visitation at each school. All families who have registered for Kindergarten will receive a mailing in the spring with information about busing and the subscription-busing program.
Please be sure to share this information with neighbors and friends who have children who are eligible for kindergarten next year.
The five elementary schools in Millburn Township are:
Deerfield School, 26 Troy Lane, Short Hills. Phone: 973-379-4843
Glenwood School, 325 Taylor Road South, Short Hills. Phone: 973-379-7576
Hartshorn School, 400 Hartshorn Drive, Short Hills. Phone: 973-379-7550
South Mountain School, 2 Southern Slope Drive, Millburn. Phone: 973-921-1394
Wyoming School, 55 Myrtle Avenue, Millburn. Phone: 973-761-1619
To verify school of attendance please click here.