SOMSD to Present Pre-Recorded, Virtual Town Hall on Returning to School Dec. 17

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From the South Orange Maplewood School District:

We’ve spoken to senior leadership, staff, community members and township officials, and we understand that this time of the year is hectic, and everyone’s schedule is impacted.  While we wanted to continue with our series of live Town Halls, after hearing from our community and families about conflicting events, holiday activities, and other constraints, the District has decided to reschedule the date and delivery format of our upcoming Return to School Town Hall event.

To ensure that all families can view this important event, the District will pre-record our Virtual Return to School Town Hall event and share it with the community on Thursday, December 17.   The video will be available for on-demand viewing on the District YouTube channel, website, and SOMA-TV based on families’ availability.

Parents/guardians can pre-submit questions and concerns via the two channels below.   Questions must be submitted by Thursday, December 10.

  1. Email:  [email protected]
  2. Online form submission:

The Town Hall event will cover updates and provide overviews on facilities, COVID-related health & safety measures, technology, instruction models, scheduling, special services and other important topics.

The Return to School Preference form will be sent to families via email/SMS text in mid-December and final submissions will be due to the District by Monday, January 4, 2021.

Web Link:

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