A day-long symposium drew 250 local women to the Maplewood Country Club to discuss topics related to sexual health and menopause.
MaplewoodPolice and Fire
Overall Crime Down; Burglaries Up in Maplewood in 2024, Reflecting Statewide Trend
Maplewood Police blotter reports burglary and auto thefts during the holidays that reflect a ‘persistent challenge’ and a continuation of a broader statewide trend; police offer to conduct security surveys of residences.
Crews from Maplewood and South Orange public works departments will be picking up unadorned trees through January.
GovernmentMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
‘A Productive Path Forward’ for SOMSD’s Beleaguered Special Services Department
by Lela Mooreby Lela MooreAsst. Supt. of Special Services said the department has already fully complied in five of the nine areas that previous audits had revealed as lacking. Most of the changes were to department processes and procedures, and centered on a lack of paperwork. “We are already more than halfway there.”
Both South Orange and Maplewood encourage mulch-mowing as an environmentally friendly alternative to putting those leaves out for pick up.
Local Food Tasting Adds to Popular Community Health Event and Fundraiser
MaplewoodParks & RecreationSouth OrangeSports
South Orange & Maplewood Swimmers Taste Victory at Meet of Champions
by Lela Mooreby Lela MooreWant to know what is happening in your community? WE MAKE IT EASY! Try…