“Not only is this greener in that we are recycling, we are also freeing up time for our staff to perform other critical tasks for the Township”, says Mayor Nancy Adams.
Mayor Nancy Adams
Updated: Weigh in on Future of Maplewood Theater Site at In-Person (and Zoom) Meeting March 14
The TC recently designated six of the eight lots within the area — which face Maplewood Ave. and are between Inwood Pl. and Durand Rd — as an area in need of redevelopment.
After 30 Years as a Maplewood Neighbor, Nancy Adams Becomes 2nd Woman to Serve as Mayor
by Donny Levitby Donny LevitSince moving here in 1989, Adams has played pivotal roles as an environmental activist, a champion of economic redevelopment, and even named one of Maplewood’s best-known neighborhoods.
Arts & CultureEnvironmentGovernmentMaplewood
Maplewood Proclaims 2024 ‘Year of the Memorial Park Conservancy’
“We are so fortunate that 100 years ago, this small new municipality had the civic pride and ambition to hire some of the best landscape architects of their day to create a great public space. A place that as Percival Gallagher of the Olmsted firm noted, must reflect the ideals of the town. … Just such a place guides our efforts today.”
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