South Orange’s first budget hearing is on Saturday, January 25, 9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Maplewood’s first hearing is on Thursday, January 30, starting at 6 p.m.
Municipal Budget
‘No Laughing Matter’: Maplewood Finally Adopts 2023 Budget, Mayor Says ‘We Will Do Better’
by Lela Mooreby Lela Moore“Your honeymoon is over now,” Dafis said to Township Administrator Patrick Wherry. “That’s correct,” Wherry replied.
GovernmentPolice and FireSouth Orange
Collum Calls 2023 South Orange Budget Cycle ‘Most Jarring’ of Her Tenure
Collum said that the township was starting with a tax levy increase of at least 1.7% “before any presentations are even done,” meaning that the number didn’t factor in increases such as health care contributions for employees.
The South Orange Board of Trustees and CBAC will host a 2020 Budget Workshop…
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