Maplewood Garden Club Hosts ‘The Ins and Outs of Boxwoods’ March 7

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The Maplewood Garden Club will present Andrea Filippone on “The Ins and Outs of Boxwood in a Sustainable Landscape in the Heart of Deer Country” on March 7 at 7:30 pm, at Maplewood Memorial Library (51 Baker Street, Maplewood.)

A landscape and interior designer, Filippone will discuss the vast variety of Boxwood cultivars and how to use them in gardens. Boxwoods are key to providing structure and definition to so much of the landscape, which is currently overrun with deer.

Additionally, Fillippone will explain how to identify the fungal disease that Boxwood is susceptible to, and also how to prevent and/or get rid of it. Leave with the basic knowledge to design and maintain a healthy Boxwood garden.

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