Fall Teen Programs at the South Mountain YMCA

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Jan 25 MEND at OLS South Mountain YMCA

Now that everyone is settled into fall, it is a great time to come by the Y, where there are plentiful programs for teens this season.

Friday Night Game Night: (Grades 5-8) Two hours of gym games and fun at the YMCA. $10 drop in. No registration required.

Teen Leaders Interact Club: This service learning volunteer group is about to launch an anti-bullying campaign in our community. This free program allows teens to gain positive leadership and team building skills. Our next meeting is on Oct 23 at 7:30 p.m. Contact Tommy Donaldson at tdonaldson@metroymcas.org if your teen is planning on attending. Refreshments will be served.

Teen Healthy Retreat: The South Mountain Y is looking for two teen girls in 8th or 9th grade to represent the branch at the 2014 Teen Healthy Retreat. This is a donor sponsored program to enhance the skills and lifestyle of young women in our YMCA.  The retreat is at the Fairview Lake YMCA fromNovember 6th thru 9th during Teacher’s Convention.  This is a Free Program.  Please contact Tommy Donaldson at tdonaldson@metroymcas.org  if your teen girl is interested in attending.

American Red Cross Baby Sitting Course:  (Grades 5-8) Have your teen get certified and learn some valuable skills. This is a American Red Cross Certified training course. The class on October 18th is sold out. Our next course will be Saturday, December 13th. Click on the blue link for more information and the Registration Form.

New Program:  FUNKY FITNESS  (Ages 9-13 yrs): A fun and effective way for kids to learn how to condition correctly and keep fit.  Through weigh and resistance training and nutrition, the class will help promote a healthy active lifestyle and confidence.

  • Friday   5:45-6:45 pm  6 classes – no class held on 10/31 and 11/28
  • Location: Y Gym
  • Fee: $60  Call (973) 762-4145 to register!

If you have questions about any South Mountain YMCA Teen programs, contact Tommy Donaldson at tdonaldson@metroymcas.org.

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