South Mountain Y pledged to raise $355,000, the most of any branch in the Metropolitan Y of the Oranges network, said Executive Director James Goodger, who said that the Y does not turn away children or families from any of its programs for lack of ability to pay.
South Mountain YMCA
The rain held off for the 25th Anniversary of the racing of the ducks.…
CommunityHolidayMaplewoodRecreationSchools / KidsSouth OrangeSponsored
South Mountain Y Opens Application for Sponsors and Grant Recipients for 25th Annual Duck Race
From the South Mountain YMCA: It’s the 25th Anniversary of the iconic Duck Race…
MaplewoodSouth OrangeSponsored
South Mountain YMCA To Host Annual Campaign Kick Off Fundraiser on February 10
From the South Mountain YMCA: February 10th is a SOMA/MAPSO night not to be…
CommunityMaplewoodSouth Orange
PHOTOS: Maplewood Foundation Surpasses $1.1M Year 1 Fundraising Goal at Sold-Out Gala
The new community foundation raised $53,300 at the event, bringing its new donation total to $1.15 million
AnnouncementsMaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
Maplewood Foundation Awards $50K in Grants to Local Non-Profits
Community foundation passed $1 million mark in funds raised, nearing its first-year goal.
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
South Mountain Y Says All SOMSD Aftercare Sites Will Open, Takes Over ‘Beyond the Bell’
Want to know what is happening in your community? WE MAKE IT EASY! Try…
MaplewoodSchools / KidsSouth Orange
SOMA Parent Complains of ‘Lame Excuses’ & Poor Communication Re: Aftercare Waitlist
The YMCA said it would communicate with approx. 65 families on its waitlist “in the coming days” and that an additional 100 spaces at St. Joe’s would be available in October.
CommunityEventsHolidaySouth OrangeSponsored
Meadowland Park Conservancy and South Orange Village Premiere New Tradition to Celebrate our Nation’s Independence
From The Meadowland Park Conservancy: The Meadowland Park Conservancy (MPC) is partnering with South…
Maplewood’s beloved Memorial Day Duck Race returned Monday under bright skies, attracting throngs of…