The South Orange Public Library will host two events to commemorate Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
The first is Day of Service: Local History Project, on Monday January 19, when the library will open to volunteers for local history projects between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m. If you have any South Orange photos of groups of friends, family, neighbors, or community groups, or South Orange postcards, you can use the library scanner to scan a copy for yourself and one for the library.
No expertise required; if you don’t have photos to scan, there are old documents to transcribe and historic items which need identification, according to Teen Librarian Keisha Miller. “This is an excellent opportunity for anyone who has been interested in volunteering at their public library, especially high school students,” said Miller. To get involved, e-mail [email protected], drop in, or call 973-762-0230.
The SOPL will continue to honor Dr. King’s legacy in Rising Stars: Celebrating Our Youth on Saturday January 24, from 2pm – 4pm. The event will highlight variations of the arts featuring teens in and around the South Orange community.
Here is the schedule:
- 2pm Prelude, performance of Great Day by Nia Pierce, harpist
- 2:15pm Connett Place, essay presentation, by Abby Baker
- 2:30pm Genesis Voice Youth Choir, First Baptist Church of South Orange
- 3pm Interlude, performance of Moonlight and Elegy by Nia Pierce, harpist
- 3:30pm Dance ensemble from the Maria Priadka School of Dance
Refreshments will be served. All are welcome; no registration required. For more information, email [email protected], drop in, or call 973-762-0230.