Maplewood Democratic Committee Endorses Kamala Harris for U.S. President

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In the aftermath of President Joseph Biden’s announcement on July 21 that he is withdrawing from the U.S. Presidential election and endorsing Vice President Kamala Harris for President, the Maplewood Democratic Committee released a statement thanking Biden for his “selfless decision” and “transformational” leadership and pledged its support to elect Harris.

The MDC’s release follows on endorsements of Harris by prominent New Jerseyans such as Newark Mayor Ras Baraka, West Orange native and U.S. Senator for Arizona Mark Kelly, U.S. Rep. Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), U.S. Rep. and Senatorial candidate Andy Kim (NJ-3), and Gov. Phil Murphy:

Read the Maplewood Democratic Committee’s statement here:

The Maplewood Democratic Committee wishes to thank President Joseph Biden for making the selfless decision to withdraw from seeking re-election to the Presidency. As always, Joe Biden has put the needs of our government, the Democratic party, and the people of the United States before his own.

In a truly transformational 3.5 years, he has gotten the United States back on track after inheriting an economy crippled by a global pandemic, achieving the highest employment figures in history, and the lowest unemployment figures in over a generation.

He has advocated for and worked with Congress to put through the largest infrastructure bill in United States history, with an emphasis on promoting a greener economy. He improved America’s standing in the world after four years of Trump destroying relationships with American allies. He delivered on an aggressive climate agenda, ensured that the Federal judiciary looks like America, and despite an obstreperous Republican-controlled congress, managed to increase gun safety measures, provided student debt relief, and addressed what many saw as a crisis at the southern border. We are forever grateful, and are grateful that he will continue his efforts to provide a better America for all of us through the end of his term in January, 2025.

This past week, in addition to learning more about Project 2025, former President Trump and his followers praised foreign dictators, demonized large segments of the American population, and lied over, and over, and over again in hopes that Americans were not paying attention as he seeks to become an imperial president.

But we were and are paying attention. We have 106 days until the election, and possibly more importantly, just four weeks until the Democratic Convention where Democrats will choose a new candidate to run. As President Biden said himself shortly after announcing that he will not seek re-election this afternoon: “My very first decision as the party nominee in 2020 was to pick Kamala Harris as my Vice President. And it’s been the best decision I’ve made. Today, I want to offer my full endorsement for Kamala to be the nominee of our party this year. Democrats- it’s time to come together and beat Trump. Let’s do this.”

The Maplewood Democratic Committee will be coming together to do just as President Biden suggests–beat Trump! We hope we can count on you to do that with us.

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