South Orange Rescue Squad Decries ‘Misleading, Inaccurate’ Letter


The letter, falsely claiming to be from the rescue squad, stated that the squad would begin charging for services. The SORS Board strongly disavows and refutes the letter.

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The South Orange Rescue Squad issued a statement on Sept. 2 in response to a letter that has been circulating, purportedly authored by SORS, claiming that the squad would be charging fees for services.

From SORS:


The South Orange Rescue Squad is aware that a number of South Orange residents have this evening received a hand-delivered letter purporting to be from our organization. This handout is a piece of misleading and inaccurate communication from an individual who is in no way affiliated with our organization, and is falsely representing themselves to be.

With regards to the specific claims being made, please note our services are provided free of charge and we have no intention of changing this practice. Most importantly, IN AN EMERGENCY CALL 911 WHATEVER THE TIME OF DAY AND AN AMBULANCE WILL BE DISPATCHED.

We are actively monitoring this situation and will take appropriate action to protect the residents of our community and the reputation of our organization.

Thank you to our friends, supporters and volunteers for helping to share this message. We regret any undue concern or inconvenience and remain grateful for your trust.

SORS Board of Directors

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