Letter to the Editor: Collum Endorses Smith for Board of Ed

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I am incredibly excited to endorse Donna Smith as a candidate for the South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education.

What I like about Donna is that she shares my views about fiscal responsibility and the importance of coordination and cooperation between the school board, our municipal governments and the county and how our successes and failures are intertwined.

What I like even more about Donna is that she has a big heart. When you peel back the onion with any candidate, you need to know what their motivations are and why they want to serve.

Having known Donna for several years, she’s absolutely in love with our two towns. Her candidacy is driven by a desire for excellence and knowing that with every challenge there is an opportunity. Her positive outlook and passion for people is contagious.

Lastly, Donna’s work ethic is unmatched. She’s not about a sound bite, she’s about substance and with any issue facing our schools, I know she’ll be putting in the hours researching topics, listening to professionals, reaching out for feedback from the community and thoughtfully articulating her positions to the public. And, for anyone who has called Donna or emailed her, you know she’s responsive and I’m very confident that will continue if she is elected to serve.

For the reasons above and so much more, I will be voting for Donna Smith on Tuesday, November 4 and encourage others to do so as well.

Sheena Collum, Trustee

Township of South Orange Village

This is an individual endorsement, and does not reflect the position of The Township of South Orange Village or its Board of Trustees.

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