PHOTOS: Cougar Cares 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Sharing Day Brings Holiday Meals to 50 Families

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From Cougar Cares via instagram. Board of Education members on site on Saturday morning, Nov. 20, included Thair Joshua (President) and Chris Sabin; South Orange Trustees included Bob Zuckerman and Summer Jones, plus Village President Sheena Collum.

Thanks to all who made the Cougar Cares 2nd Annual Thanksgiving Sharing Day a success! A community-wide effort helped us provide an incredibly bountiful Thanksgiving meal and then some to about 50 neighbor families, as well as share food via the new Community Fridge & Pantry in Maplewood.

Last year was entirely family to family, so this year we were very grateful to be able to involve some local businesses and organizations in addition to the family to family donations for most of the sides/fixings/desserts and turkeys. Thanks to The Parenting Center, school social workers, Kiwanis, the South Orange PBA, Illuminate Foods and some who wish to remain anonymous.

In addition to the families who shopped for others, we had so many who responded to our need for delivery drivers.

Thanks to some of our BOE members and SOMA town leadership for showing up to lend a hand in packing!

If you wanted to contribute but didn’t, it’s not too late! We are still collaborating with the @chsofficialstuco to collect pantry items!

Happy thanksgiving!


Officers from South Orange PBA Local 12

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