Last Chance: Gallery 1978 Celebrates Friends with Exhibit, Discussion

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Maplewood’s Gallery 1978 Celebrates its Friends each year with an exhibit of the art of its members. This year features the work of 40 artists, professional and non-professional alike.

This weekend is the last chance to view this wonderful collection of local artists. Gallery hours are Saturday and Sunday from 2 to 5 p.m. There is a closing event on Sunday, Feb. 1 from 3 – 5 p.m., featuring a conversation entitled: “Where do you go from here?” led by artists Nette Forne Thomas, Joy Yagid and Cathy McCoy Bristol.

The artists will share their experiences and advice, to explore opportunities open for artists as well as the role of the community art center.

Read more on the exhibit:

The exhibit is honoring our great friend and mentor, Fran Willner. Fran passed on in December at 96 but her incredible spirit lingers on. She was enthralled by society’s discarded objects. Fran repurposed them to create accessible, magical art that brought smiles to all. Her “can do” spirit inspired the generations of artists she taught and with whom she collaborated.

Fran called herself a “thing finder.” We call her our inspiration. Many of Fran’s pieces are on display in the windows of Gallery 1978.

Because of the Friends of 1978 support, Gallery 1978 can provide public programs connected to its exhibits, do workshops for special needs guests, lead community art projects such at the annual Maplewood 4th of July family art project, produce extensive exhibits such as Promises, Promises that explored human trafficking and the annual Black History Month Exhibit, this year celebrating gallerist Vicktor Davson.

Gallery 1978’s annual Black History month exhibit this year features the work of Victor L. Davson, acclaimed artist and Executive Director of Aljira. The 1978 gallery will be totally transformed from February 8 to March 15. Details and related events in the next e-newsletter.

The gallery is located at 1978 Springfield Ave. at the corner of Broadview. Hours are Saturdays and Sundays from 2 to 5 PM. All questions regarding the exhibit can be directed to [email protected].

1978 Maplewood Arts Center, 1978 Springfield Ave., Maplewood NJ

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