Strollers Hold Auditions for ‘The Shadow Box’

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From The Strollers community theater group:

On September 8th and 9th at 7:30 p.m., The Strollers will be casting “The Shadow Box” by Michael Cristofer at the Burgdorff Center for the Performing Arts in Maplewood, NJ.

Seeking a multi-ethnic cast of actors, one male actor who looks 14-16, one 20+ and two 40-60 yrs old. Also three women, 40+ and one woman 60+. Finally one character 30+ who may be either male or female.

Callbacks – (1 Night Only) – Thursday, September 10th – 7:30 p.m.

Rehearses weekday eves; Runs Nov. 6, 7, 13, and 14 (8 p.m.) and Nov. 8 (2 p.m.) at the Burgdorff Center, 10 Durand Rd., Maplewood, NJ (right across from the NJ Transit train station).

The Strollers is a membership community theater. Actors who are cast must pay dues. Further information at, at the auditions tab or at our facebook page, The Maplewood Strollers.

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