Maplewood Has a New, Weekly Organic Produce CSA: School Lunch Farm

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The following is from School Lunch Organic Farm & CSA:

School Lunch Farm is offering certified-organic vegetables delivered weekly to Maplewood from mid-June through mid-November 2016. Buying a vegetable share for the season is a convenient way to ensure a steady supply of fresh, local, healthy produce at a great value for your household.

Come learn about School Lunch Farm’s community-supported agriculture program on Saturday, March 5, 2016, from 9-11:00 a.m. at Arturo’s Osteria & Pizzeria, 180 Maplewood Avenue, Maplewood. Meet & Greet local Farmer Margaret Noon from School Lunch Organic Farm & CSA and taste a treat made from farm produce. The farmer will be on hand to answer questions and to sign people up for weekly shares.

Arturo’s Chef Dan Richer sources much of his food from small local farms like School Lunch Organic Farm.

School Lunch Organic Farm offers a full share at $40 and half share at $22 per week. They also offer an egg share, honey share and raspberry share.

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Community Supported Agriculture

Community Supported Agriculture (CSA) is for individuals and families interested in eating fresh, healthy and economically while supporting local farmers, food security, and earth-friendly farming practices. CSA shareholders pay for shares in advance, enabling the farmer to buy the necessary seeds and equipment and carefully plan for the upcoming season. This results in greater efficiency and less waste. Other benefits of purchasing a CSA share include:

  • Trying new vegetables and new ways of cooking
  • Children excited about the veggies from “their” farm
  • Farm education for members and their families through visits
    or volunteer days
  • Participation in farm events

About School Lunch Farm

School Lunch Farm & CSA is a 100% Certified Organic and GMO-Free Farm offering a weekly share of organic produce for 22 weeks from June through November. Shares are harvested the day you pick it up—so your veggies are super fresh. We grow over 150 varieties of organic vegetables, fruit, herbs, and flowers, with 10-18 types of produce available on any given week. 100% of our produce is grown from seed on our farm.

School Lunch Organic Farm & CSA has six pick up locations: Maplewood, Mount Olive, Basking Ridge, Montville, Morristown, and Secaucus

Educating children about healthy food

School Lunch Organic Farm hosts a variety of programs to educate children and adults about healthy eating, sustainable agriculture, and the natural world. Community, school, and scouting groups can use the rich resources of the farm to extend their members’ learning beyond the classroom and kitchen.

Feeding those in need

Over the last 4 seasons we have donated thousands of pounds of vegetables to the Mount Olive Food Pantry, Hackettstown Food Pantry, Local Share, and Grace Episcopal Soup Kitchen.

School Lunch Organic Farm is proud to help meet the nutritional needs of local families and can accept SNAP payments for weekly shares.

For more information, visit, call 908-451-0051 or email [email protected].

School Lunch Organic Farm is located at 69 Stephens State Park Road Hackettstown, NJ 07840.



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