Rent Party Garden Thrives With Support From The South Orange Elks

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From Rent Party:

The South Orange Elks Rent Party Garden is thriving in its 13th season on the front lawn of the Lodge on Prospect Street! The Garden grows about 2,000 pounds of fresh produce each summer that is donated to local hunger-fighting initiatives. “The Garden is a magical place, and we are very proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish here,” said Rent Party’s Founder, Chris Dickson. “This unique partnership with the Elks gets better each year.”

Photo Credit Zoe Berkovic
Left to right: Joanna Kennedy, Elio Berkovic, Jennifer Pisani, Elks ER Jeff Bryant, Ginny Needham-Doyle, Chris Dickson, Lisa Abdill, Phil Nostrand, Bob Donnelly, Ron Housley, Brian McNamara

The Garden was once again the recipient of a $4,000 Beacon Grant. As Elks PER Bob Donnelly explained, “The Elks Community Investments Program Grant projects improve the quality of life where Elks live and work. The Beacon Grants assist Lodges with an ongoing Community project.” Donnelly echoed Dickson’s comments about The Garden, reiterating that “there is no other partnership like this anywhere else in New Jersey.” 

The Garden is always looking for volunteers to help with harvesting and maintenance. Click here to sign up. Rent Party Pantry is a 501(c) dedicated to fighting hunger in our community. For more information about Rent Party, click here.

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