Asw. Mila Jasey Endorses Nancy Adams and Jamaine Cripe for Maplewood Township Committee

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From Nancy Adams:

It is fitting that during Women’s History Month, Assemblywoman Mila Jasey announces her support and endorsement of the first all-female ticket for Maplewood Township Committee in 19 years – candidates Nancy Adams and Jamaine Cripe. Ms. Adams is a 31-year resident of Maplewood who is serving her second term on the Township Committee, and Ms. Cripe is a 17-year resident who has been an active community volunteer. The campaign is thrilled to have such an early and strong endorsement from Assemblywoman Jasey.

“This year’s Democratic candidates for Maplewood Township Committee, incumbent Nancy Adams and political newcomer Jamaine Cripe, bring a wealth of knowledge and experience to the ticket,” the Assemblywoman stated.  “I am proud to endorse them and honored to run with them.  Nancy’s passion for Maplewood, downtown development and the environment complements Jamaine’s spirit of volunteerism that has spanned virtually every facet of community involvement – education, recreation, the arts, and faith-based initiatives.  Both have sound fiscal experience and understand the critical role small businesses play in creating prosperous communities and are committed to racial and economic justice for residents and the greater public. Nancy and Jamaine are women of the highest caliber who will bring their unique and much-need perspectives to the Township Committee.”

“Having known and had deep respect for Mila for over 25 years, I’m honored to once again receive her support and trust,” Ms. Adams said. “We worked together years ago in the League of Women Voters and know well the passion for community and public service we both have. I support the Assemblywoman enthusiastically because I know where her heart is and trust her to continue to serve us well in the State Assembly.”

“Assemblywoman Jasey has a deep love for this community and its commitment to our children,” says Ms. Cripe.  “She was the first local leader to respond and meet with the youth I work with about NJ initiatives regarding immigrant justice. She was honest and you could tell she has respect for our kids by the way she held a conversation with them as fellow citizens and future voters. I appreciate the years of service Mila has given our District and hope to serve our Township in a similar manner — engaging with Maplewoodians of all ages and making it possible for more people to afford to live within our great community.”

The campaign is in the early stages of planning and thanks the Assemblywoman for her strong endorsement.



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