Melanie Finnern, a Maplewood resident and mother of two Clinton School children, is running for South Orange-Maplewood Board of Education.
Learn more about Finnern in a statement below:
My name is Melanie Finnern. I have been a proud resident of Maplewood for 6 years and I will be running for the Board of Education this November.

Melanie Finnern
I do not have a background in education. I do not have a background in law. What I do have are two children ages 8 and 5 who attend Clinton Elementary School. With over 10 years to go in our schools, I have a vested interest in working to make the South Orange and Maplewood school district the most equitable and successful it can be, especially given the recent challenges COVID has presented.
We are living through the biggest dilemma our world has faced in decades, but we cannot sacrifice the education of our children – both the academic and social emotional education. All of these changes occurring amid so many other issues our towns are up against: integration – making sure our schools represent the population of our towns; equity – evening out the playing field for students of all economic backgrounds; and the upcoming structural changes to take place among the school buildings.
Born and raised in NJ, I went to school at The George Washington University receiving a BFA in Fine Arts. Currently I am a freelance art director and have been teaching yoga at Baker Street Yoga for almost 5 years. I love this community, I am passionate about our towns and I will work every day to help make it better for my children and yours.