‘Every Drop Counts’—Tips, Tricks & Little Known Facts About Recycling in South Orange

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Those of us who live in South Orange are fortunate enough to have an active Public Works department that allows us to recycle many items used in our everyday lives. Below is an interview with Walter Clarke — Office Manager and Recycling Coordinator at the South Orange Department of Public Works — providing tips, tricks, and little known facts about the South Orange DPW.

What are you most proud of at the DPW?

“I am most proud of the commitment of the workers and all that they do. The director is eager to expand our offerings and always looking for ways to recycle more things.”

How many tons of refuse do you keep out of the waste stream by recycling them?

“Curbside, over 1,300 tons get sent to recycling, the vast majority of which is cardboard. In our 2021 municipal-wide report, 14,000 tons of materials were recycled, including business waste, construction materials, metals, electronics, and concrete.”

What happens to the leaves that get collected?

“We gather over 14,000 cubic yards of leaves a year. Most get trucked to the county facility at the reservation. We keep some to biodegrade for mulch and hummus that residents can pick up for free from the DPW.”

What are some things that residents are doing well?

“We recently made the switch from single stream to dual stream recycling. Recycling can be hard and confusing, but our residents have done that well!”

Any tips for cardboard and paper recycling?

“If it is windy or rainy, please don’t put cardboard recycling directly at the curb. The wind blows it into the street which creates a hazard. If the cardboard is soggy and falling apart, it slows the conveyor belt and could end up as trash. Always place cardboard in a water proof container or drop it off directly at the recycling center.”

Anything else we should be careful about disposing of?

“Batteries are flammable and should never be included in curbside recycling. We have a box at 298 Walton Avenue where batteries that are bagged or taped on the ends can be recycled safely.”

What are some lesser known items that can be recycled at the DPW?

“We have electronic recycling days a few times a year. We also have a dedicated spot for appliances such as refrigerators and air conditioners which contain freon. Motor oil and scrap metal can also be dropped off in the yard. There is also a clothing drop box for worn items.”

What are some things our community can improve upon?

“Ensuring that only the correct materials are put in the curbside recycling bins. People sometimes include things they wish to recycle, but including incorrect items can damage the recycling systems at the facility. For example, plastic bags are not allowed because they get caught in the conveyor belts and that can shut down the entire line for hours.”  

“When it comes to recycling, remember, every drop counts.”

The South Orange Department of Public Works is located at 300 Walton Avenue. It is open Tuesday and Thursday 7:30am – 3:30pm and on Saturday from 8am – 12pm. More information can be found at the website https://www.southorange.org/235/Public-Works

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