South Orange Ends Outdoor Mask Mandate, 6-Foot Distancing; Masks Still Required in Public Buildings

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From South Orange Village:

South Orange Village has updated their COVID-19 policies and procedures. These changes are in accordance with the Governor’s Executive Order 242, issued May 25.

The following changes impacting public buildings and outdoor spaces will go into effect in South Orange on Friday, May 28:

Mask Mandates

  • Masks are no longer required in outdoor public spaces but the public is allowed to wear masks at their own discretion.*
  • The public will be required to wear masks when entering all public buildings:
    • Village Hall
    • The South Orange Public Library
    • South Orange Police & Fire Headquarters
    • Public Works Office
    • Recreation and Cultural Affairs Offices
    • Community Pool Bathhouse & Changing Rooms
    • South Orange Parking Authority Office
  • The six-foot social distancing requirement
    • Outdoor social distancing is no longer required. *
    • The public is required to maintain a six-foot social distance inside public buildings to the extent possible.

* Exceptions exist for summer camps and other recreation programs where existing mandates will remain in effect. South Orange recreation programs and summer camps will follow existing state mandates and guidelines until further notice.

Residents are encouraged to check the Village’s website, regularly for important comprehensive updates and information and to follow the Village on Facebook or Twitter.

Other mandates for businesses, healthcare facilities, schools, camps and private properties can be found here:

As always, we encourage everyone to have a mask on their person at all times should it be needed and to respect the requests of others to the extent possible.

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