This is the 3rd in a series of four installments of “Preparing for Spring Market.” Read the other installments here and here.
Who took advantage of last week’s holiday weekend and school closings to work on home projects? What a great opportunity to continue to reduce clutter, clean closets, fix those cracks in the walls, and paint.
Here are the next tips that I recommend for preparing your home for the spring market.
Replace any clunky, old, dark or overly ornate furniture with something more contemporary. The point of this tip is to show off the space of the room. There may be some furniture pieces that may be too big or doesn’t quite fit in that may create a confining appearance to the space.
You do not need to throw out that big sectional that you love, but there may be too much furniture in the room that a buyer cannot envision the space. Do store these big furniture pieces and other items during this time.
Rent or buy contemporary furniture to make the space look open. A good real estate professional should be able to recommend a stager to assist you with the types of furniture needed for the space.
Something to consider if you like the contemporary feel – when you have an offer for your house, all those items that are in storage can be sold in a garage sale and you can purchase new furniture for your next home!
Also, please do not take anything personally when a realtor provides you with recommendations of what photos to take down. Yes, we recommend removing personal photos. The fewer personal items displayed, the more a potential buyer can envision their items in the space. Of course, leave a few pictures that are in tasteful frames, but be prepared to take down the refrigerator photos with magnets and the collages.
Remember, think about space during this time. Think new! Think SOLD!
Robert Northfield is a top real estate expert in the Maplewood, Milburn, Short Hills, South Orange, West Orange, Montclair areas and surrounding towns at KW Mid-Town Direct.