This story was first published on March 15, 2022. “Newsies” performances originally scheduled for March 18, 19 and 20, have been rescheduled to March 25-27. More here:
Columbia High School saw a spike in COVID-19 cases this week, with 14 confirmed cases reported on Tuesday alone, according to an email from Principal Frank Sanchez.
The case number includes at-home tests as well as PCR tests, Sanchez said.
The outbreak has led to the postponement of the rest of the run of Newsies, the CHS musical that opened last weekend. The show was supposed to be performed on March 18, 19 and 20, but now its final performances have been rescheduled to March 25-27, according to the musical’s organizers. (See more info below).
The district lifted its indoor mask mandate in K-12 schools effective March 14.
March 15, 2022
Dear Columbia Community:
The attached letter is an update to the CHS community that we have confirmed fourteen (14) Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) cases today. This communication includes home-based tests because we are encouraging students to isolate before they take their PCR test. Please note these cases do not affect school operations, and delivery of instruction will continue as normal.
Every Friday, you can check the SOMSD weekly COVID numbers at the District’s Data Dashboard website. You can also find all of the CHS COVID cases below.
See an excerpt from the letter from Sanchez below, followed by information for Newsies ticket holders:
We have had a spike in numbers this week and so we reiterate the importance for students to continue following the CDC and NJDOH promoted safeguards, such as:
- Getting vaccinated and boosted as eligible
- Staying home when you are sick
- Considering wearing a mask while in school and in public settings
- Washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, or using hand sanitizer
- Covering coughs and sneezes and properly disposing of tissues
- Limiting close contact with people who are sick and not sharing food, drinks, and utensils
- Practicing social distancing to the greatest extent practicable; and
- Continuing to monitor your health for symptoms. Get a laboratory PCR or Rapid test if you have symptoms
From CHS Families Facebook page:
Everyone says our shows are just like Broadway!!!
…and just like Broadway sometimes there are changes and cancellations due to COVID.
Our last 3 shows will now be March 25-27. Those holding tickets for this weekend will be transferred to the same days next weekend.
Patrons affected by the change will receive an email in the next half hour or so with details. Any questions please contact: [email protected].
We are in the process of editing recording that we filmed from last weekend, to be streamed in the near future — more details to come soon!
Thank you!!