Ed Foundation of Millburn-Short Hills Presents ‘Rocktoberfest’ Music Festival Fundraiser

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The following is from The Education Foundation of Millburn-Short Hills:

From the team that brought you Millburn Schools Rock comes ROCKTOBERFEST, The Education Foundation of Millburn-Short Hills’ first music festival fundraiser. Taking place on Main Street in Millburn on October 15, the festival is open to the public and will feature live music from the afternoon through evening, food and drink inspired by Oktoberfest and fun activities to amuse kids and teens. The festival will celebrate the reopening of Main Street, encouraging attendees to support both Downtown Millburn and the Ed Foundation, a nonprofit that raises funds for progressive programs, technology and equipment for all seven public schools in town.

Rocktoberfest’s music lineup includes: Soulfege, Millburn High School’s a cappella group; The Parkers, the town’s sisterly duo; Steve Girardi jazz band; Poet Section, the rock band from Short Hills; and finally, The Chris Watson Band, a hot, Brooklyn-based band playing rock covers and original songs. Food offerings include Oktoberfest favorites like bratwurst, pretzels, and sauerkraut and will also include vegetarian options. Seasonal beer and wine selections will also be offered in an adult-only area. Kid and teen-friendly activities such as temporary tattoos, hair braiding and more will be on-hand for those seeking more entertainment.

In cooperation with the Downtown Millburn Development Alliance (DMDA) and town hall, Main Street will be closed to traffic from Essex Street to Millburn Avenue so that festivalgoers can relax and enjoy the event. The outdoor festivities will conclude at 6:30pm and will continue inside lead, Elvis sponsor The Hills Tavern, the new restaurant at 40 Main Street, with performances by Poet’s Section and The Chris Watson Band. A $20 per person cover will be charged for entry and will include one beer or wine.

Rocktoberfest tee shirts and festival merchandise will be available for purchase at the event. All proceeds from Rocktoberfest will go to The Education Foundation of Millburn-Short Hills. For more information on the organization head to edfoundationmillburnshorthills.org and join us for our new member breakfast on September 26th from 9:30-11am at 22 Hilltop Road, Short Hills.

The Ed Foundation is seeking sponsors for the event at a variety of levels with many corporate branding opportunities available to promote local businesses. Interested parties should contact Ed Foundation VPs of Fundraising, Sonali Ganti, at [email protected] or Rumy Sidhu at [email protected] by September 15.

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