Letter to the Editor: Sabin is Experienced, Dedicated and Motivated

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To the Editor:

We are writing to offer our unqualified support and enthusiasm for Chris Sabin as a member of the South Orange/Maplewood Board of Education. We have known Chris for many years as a colleague and neighbor, and know him to be a man of the highest integrity and sincerity.

We have lived in Maplewood for more than eight years, and have two children in the public school system here, and so have a deep concern for the quality of the educational experience. Chris, the father of three children in the local schools, is experienced, dedicated and motivated enough to work hard and advocate tirelessly for the kids and their families, as well as in the best interest of the faculty and concerned community members.

Having worked alongside Chris in the business world, we know that Chris can be firm but fair, determined but sympathetic, committed but diplomatic.

We are clear that Chris Sabin is absolutely the right person for this essential job.

Robert Shaffron & John Davis

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