Millburn HS Hosts College Night for Local High School Students

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Millburn High School (MHS), in conjunction with Livingston High School, will host its annual College Night on Monday, Nov. 3 from 7 p.m. – 9 p.m. The event takes place in the high school gymnasium as well as in several classrooms on the second floor.

Ninth through 12th grade students and parents from all schools and surrounding communities are invited to participate in the event, which will feature representatives from more than 200 colleges from across the country, according to communications coordinator Nancy Dries.

Tables will be set up with two colleges per table; students and parents can visit with the college representatives and obtain literature on the schools. This year’s event will also include two sessions of a financial aid workshop presented by the College and Retirement Solutions Company. The workshop, which lasts approximately one hour, is being offered at 7:00 p.m. and again at 8:00 p.m.

The PTO will provide providing a Chinese Buffet from Jade Lake Restaurant for all attending college representatives, as well as sponsoring a hospitality room with home baked goods donated by parents throughout the night for representatives.

Millburn High School, 434 Millburn Avenue, Millburn, NJ, 973-376-3600

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