Millburn Superintendent’s COVID-19 Update March 17

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From the Dr. Christine Burton, Superintendent of Millburn Township Schools:

Superintendent’s COVID-19 Update #2 – 3/17/2020

Dear Millburn Staff and Parents,

I checked in with Superintendents from our surrounding districts today as we continue to share information, resources and processes during these extraordinary times.

Please know, this is work in progress.  We are all learning something new each day, and you can expect to see some tweaks in the programs we have put in place.  We appreciate your patience as we all work through this together.

Per the Governor’s Executive Order, we will be closing down all school district buildings as of tomorrow, including the Education Center.  Staff will be working from home, with a limited number of administrators on site periodically.  If you need to contact us, please email the appropriate staff member or administrator, or you may leave a phone message.  You may also email us at [email protected], and we will direct your question to the right person.

Millburn Township has closed all of their public buildings as of today. Mayor Lieberberg declared a state of emergency yesterday.  She will be communicating with residents on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays going forward, unless there is emergent news to share. Check the Township Coronavirus website regularly for updates.

I will also be communicating with families on a regular basis, as the situation warrants.  I will always send my Friday Superintendent’s Update. Please stay tuned to your principals and teachers for daily news. We are so proud of the work they are doing under these extreme circumstances.  I thank our students and parents for working with us in this new paradigm of teaching and learning.

I do want to remind you, once again, of the importance of social distancing.  We are all in this together, and keeping groups small protects us all. We all miss the personal contact that is natural to being human, but this is a time to find other ways to connect.  Pick up a phone and call that friend you haven’t seen in a while. Kids can use some of the technology platforms like Google meeting, Facetime, Flipgrid, with parental approval, to stay in touch with their friends. I also want to ask that you be mindful of privacy concerns when sharing photos of your children learning at home.

Please stay informed through our COVID-19/Distance Learning website and by submitting your questions or concerns to us here.   We will compile the answers as part of the Frequently Asked Questions posted on the COVID-19 website.

Happy St. Patrick’s Day! Keep looking toward the end of the rainbow to the pot of gold…health, happiness and a swift return to school, work and normalcy.

Stay safe and well.

Dr. Christine Burton

Superintendent of Schools

(973) 376-3600 (X40151)

[email protected]






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