South Orange-Maplewood Releases 2020-21 Virtual Instruction Guidebook, Schedules for Families

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Dear SOMSD Families,

As we head into the 2020-21 school year, I want to welcome you back.  Although the return to school is not as we anticipated, school administrators, teachers, and staff are putting in hard work and long hours to ensure that the first day of school is special for students.

As you can imagine, we are welcoming back 7,000+ students into a virtual school environment. So we anticipate that there will be technology glitches, device issues, internet connectivity issues, and an overall learning curve as students and teachers alike begin working together in our virtual environment.  Therefore, to prepare and make accommodations, for the first two weeks of school, September 8 – 18, we will operate on an early dismissal schedule.  This will allow time for teachers and students to acclimate to the new learning management system Canvas and provide additional time in the afternoon for continued professional development training for teachers.  Starting on Monday, September 21, we will transition to a full-day virtual instruction schedule.

This instructional guidebook provides information on:

  • Assessment, progress report and report card schedules;
  • Virtual class schedules by grade-level; [Editor’s note: schedules begin on page 15]
  • Special education services to students;
  • Teacher and student expectations;
  • Information on Canvas as well as upcoming training webinar dates for parents;
  • Emotional, Health and Wellness Support;
  • And more.

Please note that our guidebook is subject to change. As guidelines and orders change from local, state, and federal authorities, our District will adjust. But rest assured, our focus will always remain on doing what’s best for students and staff.

I look forward to seeing each of you, albeit virtually as we begin the school year and hope to be reunited with students and staff soon.  The best of luck to our students, staff, and families as we begin the journey together in 2020-21.

Educationally Yours,

Dr. Ronald G. Taylor, Superintendent of Schools

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