From Sheena Collum via Facebook: South Orange and Maplewood recently received a third round…
Senior Citizens Advisory Committee
CommunityMaplewoodSouth OrangeTowns
SOMA Hosts Forum: Becoming Age-Friendly Communities for Seniors, June 5
South Orange and Maplewood are hosting a joint forum on Sunday, June 5 from…
Senior citizens are getting their due in Maplewood and South Orange, and it’s…
GovernmentMaplewoodSouth OrangeTowns
South Orange, Maplewood Are Finalists in Joint Senior Grant Application
South Orange Village President Sheena Collum reported that she and Maplewood Mayor Victor De…
GovernmentSouth OrangeTowns
South Orange Village President Presents Plans for Additional Senior Services
It’s getting better to be a senior citizen in South Orange, NJ. At…
More than 100 citizens attended the first South Orange Senior Citizens Forum on…