Adams & Ryan Call for Maplewood Resolution Against Religious Freedom Restoration Act

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Two Democratic candidates for Township Committee — Nancy Adams and current Committeeman Jerry Ryan — are calling on the Maplewood Township Committee to pass a resolution at its April 7 meeting condemning the Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

Ryan and Adams contend that the Act, which was recently passed in Indiana while another version is pending in Arkansas, is a “potentially discriminatory law.” The Indiana law states that the government can’t “substantially burden a person’s exercise of religion” and that individuals who feel that their religious beliefs have been or could be “substantially burdened” can utilize the law to fend off lawsuits should they deny services to those with lifestyles that do not conform to their religious beliefs.

In a press release, Adams and Ryan state that they “strongly believe this law opens the door for businesses to discriminate against members of the LGBT community.”

“This is about thinking globally and acting locally,” Adams said, “The last thing this country needs is to allow such a law and take a major step backward in the progress that has been made in equality for gays, lesbians, bi and transsexual members of our society.” Jerry Ryan added, “We think it’s important for all municipalities to make their voices heard by passing resolutions condemning this and other policies that permit discrimination.”

Jerry Ryan will ask his Township Committee colleagues to develop a resolution immediately so that it can be voted on at Tuesday night’s Township Committee meeting.

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