Board of Trustees Vote to Lower South Orange Avenue Speed Limit

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Updated November 24, 2014: The South Orange Board of Trustees voted to approve an ordinance requesting that Essex County lower the speed limit on South Orange Avenue between Ward Place and North Ridgewood Avenue from 30 mph to 25 mph. The next step is for the County to implement the new speed limit and post new signage.

South Orange Trustees voted on Monday, November 24, to pass an ordinance lowering the speed limit on South Orange Avenue in the Village Center.

Village President Alex Torpey commended Trustee Sheena Collum on her efforts related to pedestrian safety in the Village — of which the lowered South Orange Avenue speed limit is a component.

The ordinance requests that Essex County lower the speed limit from 30 mph to 25 mph on a South Orange Avenue between Ward Place and North Ridgewood Avenue. The next step is for the County to implement the new speed limit and post new signage.

At the Board of Trustees meeting on Oct. 28, Village President Alex Torpey introduced the ordinance. “We’re just asking the county to lower the speed limit a bit as people are driving through downtown,” Torpey said. “This is one of the components of what we have certainly talked about as far as trying to make the downtown more pedestrian-friendly.”

Also on the agenda, Torpey will re-appoint two members of the Historic Preservation Commission and one member of the Environmental Commission. Village Administrator Barry Lewis will provide updates on the Village Hall renovations and RFPs, as well as budget status and budget workshop updates.

Watch the video of the meeting here.

Read the full agenda here.

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