Maplewood Cancels 4th of July Fireworks

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There will be no fireworks in Maplewood Memorial Park this coming July 4.

Maplewood Mayor Frank McGehee confirmed that the fireworks were canceled via text message following an announcement at the Maplewood Township Committee meeting on May 18.

Township officials had previously announced at an April TC meeting that all other Maplewood 4th of July activities — include foot races, the baking contest, classic cars, rides and music — would be canceled.

“Again the township has been having numerous meetings and conversations, taking deep and hard looks at what we can and cannot do,” said McGehee.

“Safety is our number one priority.”

“Because of not being able to guarantee a 100% level of safety … for all of our residents, we are not going to have a 4th of July celebration this summer,” McGehee announced on May 18, who later confirmed that the cancellation includes fireworks.

“It’s saddens us all,” the mayor said.

“The challenges of keeping social distancing even in a very broad or sprawled out area is not feasible at this time. We do hope to be back in 2021 but that’s not where we are right now.”

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